B i b l i o g r a p h y

Personal Newspaper Columns

2016 Essay, Kyunghyang shinmun, published daily from Apr. 25-29
2011-2012 Illustrated Essay, Kukminilbo, published biweekly from Feb.

Korean Newspaper

2018, article on solo exhibition < Excuse for body drawing >, Munhwhailbo, Mar. 5
2018, article on solo exhibition < Excuse for body drawing >, Seoul shinmun, Feb. 26
2018, article on solo exhibition < Excuse for body drawing >, Segyeilbo, Feb. 20
2017, article on group exhibition < Image·Story·Adject >, AsiaEconomy, Nov .6
2017, article on group exhibition < Image·Story·Adject >, Shiminilbo, Nov. 6
2017, article on solo exhibition, Economytalk, Sep. 17
2016, article on art fair, Kukminilbo, Oct. 10
2016, article on group exhibition < Dokdo: Island of five senses >, Maeil shinmun, Mar. 27
2016, article on solo exhibition, Kukminilbo, Feb. 14
2016, article on group exhibition < Dokdo: Island of five senses >, Asiatoday, Feb.12
2016, article on Asia art show group exhibition U.S.A, Kukminilbo, Jan. 5
2015, article on solo exhibition < C’est la vie >, Kukminilbo, Jul. 18
2015, article on solo exhibition < C’est la vie >, Seoul shinmun, Jul. 16
2015, article on solo exhibition < C’est la vie >, Yeoseong shinmun, Jul. 10
2015, article on exhibition C’est La Vie, Art Preview Guide, Jul. 
2015, exhibition ad, L’officiel ART,  Jul. 
2015, exhibition ad, 文化藝術報, Jul. 22
2015, exhibition ad, 文化藝術報, Jul. 16
2015, article on exhibition C’est La Vie, Shanghai Weekly, Jul. 20
 2015, article on exhibition C’est La Vie, Shanghai Journal, Jul. 25
2015, listed no. 2 in Must List, In Shanghai, Jul. 23
2013, interview with local paper, The Namhae Times, Mar. 28
2012, article on solo exhibition < Fable: existence of human being >, Segyeilbo, Nov. 8
2012, article on solo exhibition < Fable: existence of human being >, Herald Economics, Nov. 6
2012, article on solo exhibition < Fable: existence of human being >, DongAilbo, Nov. 6
2012, article on solo exhibition < Fable: existence of human being >, Newsis, Nov. 5
2012, article on solo exhibition < Fable: existence of human being >, Kukminilbo, Nov. 4
2012, article on solo exhibition < Fable: existence of human being >, Seoul shinmun, Nov. 3
2012, article on solo exhibition < Fable: existence of human being >, Yeonhapnews, Nov. 2
2012, article on solo exhibition < Fable: existence of human being >, Aju Economics, Nov. 2
2012, article on solo exhibition < Fable: existence of human being >, Maeil Economics, Nov. 1
2012, article on solo exhibition < Fable: existence of human being >, Kyunghyangshinmun, Nov. 1
2012, article on solo exhibition < Fable: existence of human being >, Hankuk  Economics, Oct. 30
2012, article on solo exhibition < Fable: existence of human being >, Munhwailbo, Oct. 30
2011, article on 10th KIAF, Kukminilbo, Sept. 19
2011, Artist’s essay, Kyunghyang Shinmun, Aug. 25
2011, article on group exhibition Rabbit Run, Segye Ilbo, Jan. 3
2011, article on group exhibition Rabbit Run, Newsis, Jan. 3
2011, article on group exhibition Rabbit Run, Kukminilbo, Jan. 5
2011, article on group exhibition Rabbit Run, Korea Art Newspaper, Jan. 6
2011, article on group exhibition Rabbit Run, Korea Herald, Jan. 2
2011, article on group exhibition Rabbit Run, Dong-A Ilbo, Jan. 4, p. A25
2011, article on group exhibition Rabbit Run, Munhwa Ilbo, Jan. 4
2011, article on group exhibition Rabbit Run, Metro, Jan. 3
2011, article on group exhibition Rabbit Run, Seoul Shinmun, Jan. 7
2011, article on group exhibition Rabbit Run, Segye Ilbo, Jan. 4
2011, article on group exhibition Rabbit Run, Munhwailbo, Jan. 14
2011, article on group exhibition Rabbit Run, Kommews, Jan. 13
2011, article on group exhibition Rabbit Run Hankyung(Korean economic newspaper), Jan. 3
2011, article on group exhibition Rabbit Run, Chosun Ilbo, Jan. 18
2010, article on group exhibition Rabbit Run, Seoul Gyeongje, Dec. 31
2010, article on group exhibition Rabbit Run, MK(economic daily newspaper), Dec. 31
2010, article on group exhibition Room of Artists, Hankook Ilbo, Aug. 16, p. 30
2010, article on group exhibition Room of Artists, Kukminilbo, Aug. 13, p. 26
2010, article on group exhibition Room of Artists, Hankyung, Aug. 13, p. A32
2010, article on group exhibition Room of Artists, Herald Biz, Aug. 11, p. 25
2010, article on group exhibition Room of Artists, Kukminilbo, Aug. 9, p. 17
2010, article on Korea-China Art Exchange Exhibition, Voices of People
2010, article on Korea-China Art Exchange Exhibition, Dong-A Ilbo, Jun. 1, p.A24
2010, article on Korea-China Art Exchange Exhibition, Kukminilbo, Jun. 2, p. 20
2010, article on Korea-China Art Exchange Exhibition, Kukminilbo, Apr. 5, p. 21
2009, article on solo exhibition, Herald Biz, Oct. 22
2009, article on solo exhibition, Kyunghyang Shinmun, Oct. 13
2009, article on solo exhibition, Chosunilbo, Oct. 6
2009, article on solo exhibition, Dong-A Ilbo, Oct. 6,
2009, article on solo exhibition, Seoul Shinmun, Oct. 6
2009, article on solo exhibition, Hankook Ilbo, Oct. 5
2009, article on solo exhibition, Kukminilbo, Oct. 5
2009, article on solo exhibition, Hankyung, Oct. 5
2009, illustration for article on Jeju Island, Kukminilbo, Jul. 7, p. 19
2009, article on Germany solo exhibition, Hankyung, Apr. 27, p. A32
2009, article on Germany solo exhibition, Kukminilbo, May 4, p. 21
2009, article on Germany solo exhibition, The Education Weekly, Apr. 13, p. 8
2009, article on Germany solo exhibition, Jeonju Ilbo, May 21, p. 16
2009, article on books & Road , Kukminilbo, Jan 3, p. 14
2008, article on artist’s work, Kukminilbo, Aug. 28, p. 22
2007, article on Christmas group exhibition, Kukminilbo, Dec 20, p. 22
2007, article on Christmas group exhibition, Kyunghyang Shinmun, Dec 19, p. 22
2007, article on KIAF 2007 exhibition, Kukminilbo, May 7, p. 23
2007, article on KIAF 2007, Kyunghyang Shinmun, May 7, p. 23
2007, article on fan exhibition, Sports Khan, Jun. 7, p. 21
2007, Education & People, Seoul In, Seoul Shinmun, Apr. 14, p. 16
2006, People In. Seoul In, Seoul Shinmun, Apr. 14, pp. 26-27
2006, Kukminilbo, Mar. 20, p. 27
2006, article on duo exhibition, Kyunghyang Shinmun, Mar. 15, p. 22
2006, article on duo exhibition, Sports Khan, Mar. 13, p. 22
2006. bi-weekly art paper Misul Shinmun, Mar. 5, p. 7
2005, article on group exhibition, Kyunghyang Shinmun, Aug. 19, p. 20
2005, article on group exhibition, Sports Khan, Apr. 19
2005, article on group exhibition, Kyeongin Ilbo, Apr. 19, p. 10
2005, article on group exhibition, Gyeonggi Ilbo, Apr. 7, p. 15
2005, Culture & Life, Chosun Ilbo, Apr. 7, p. A12
2005, article on nude drawing, Sports Khan, Mar. 29
2005, article on drawing exhibition, Jeonbuk Ilbo, Mar. 3
2005, article on drawing exhibition, Gyoyuk Shinbo, Mar. 2
2005, article on drawing exhibition, Hankook Ilbo, Feb. 25
2005, article on drawing exhibition, Kyunghyang Newspaper, Feb. 25
2005, article on drawing exhibition, Sports Khan, Feb. 22
2005, exhibition notice, Dong-A Ilbo, Feb. 22
2005, article on drawing exhibition, Seoul Shinmun, Feb 21
2005, article on drawing exhibition, Kukminilbo, Feb. 21
2005, article on drawing exhibition, Gimje Citizens’ Newspaper, Feb. 21
2004, article on group exhibition, Kyunghyang Newspaper, Dec. 10
2004, Gallery, Sports Khan, Dec. 1
2004, Gimje Citizens’ Newspaper, Oct. 20, p. 6
2004, article on group exhibition, Gyoyuk Shinbo, Oct. 14
2004, Gimje Citizens’ Newspaper, Sept. 24, p. 6
2004, Gimje Citizens’ Newspaper, Aug. 3, p. 8
2004, Gimje Citizens’ Newspaper, Jun. 21, p. 8
1998, article on Cheongdam Art Festival  Munhwa Ilbo, Jun. 3
1997, The Sudokweonyunhapjungboshinmun, Jan. 1
1994, Christian newspaper Christian Hanguk Jan. 19
1993, Kyunghyang Shinmun, Oct. 7, p. 15
1993, Munhwa Ilbo, Oct. 6
1993, exhibition notice, Ilgan Sports, Oct. 9
1993, exhibition notice, Hankyung(Korean economic newspaper) , Oct. 8
1991, Dong-A Ilbo, Feb. 22
1990, Chosun Ilbo, Sept. 17

Foreign Newspaper

2009, article on Germany solo exhibition, ethnic Korean community newspaper Urishinmun, May 2
2009, article on Germany solo exhibition, ethnic Korean community newspaper Kyoposhinmun, May 1
2009, article on Germany solo exhibition, German newspaper Königsteiner Woche, Apr. 30
2009, article on Germany solo exhibition, The Euro Journal(Germany Edition, Apr. 29, 2009)
1997, European edition of daily newspaper Kukminilbo, Aug. 20
1995, Bonner Rundschau(local newspaper of Bonn, Germany), May 22
1995, German newspaper General-Anzeiger, May 16
1995, German newspaper Express, May 16
1995, Bonner Rundschau(local newspaper of Bonn, Germany), May 13

Magazines & Periodicals

2013, cover story, Culture Ocean, Mar. & Apr., pp. 16-25
2012, essay and painting, Seoul Art Guide, Sep. 2012, p. 158
2011, photos of paintings, The Spring of Literature, Spring Edition of 2011
2011, article on group exhibition Rabbit Run, Magazine S, Jan., p. 33
2011, article on group exhibition Rabbit Run, Gallery Special, Art Wave, Jan. 
2011, article on group exhibition Rabbit Run, Wolgan Misool, Jan., p. 107
2011, article on group exhibition Rabbit Run, Art Lens, Jan. & Feb., p. 100-101
2011, article on group exhibition Rabbit Run, CNB Journal, Jan. 13, 2011, p. 84
2011, Interview article for group exhibition, monthly magazine Walkerhill published for Walkerhill Hotel VIP clients, Feb.
2011, article on group exhibition Contemporary Art and the Rabbit, Weekly Magazine Hankook, p.38
2011, article on group exhibition Rabbit Run, monthly magazine Interiors, Feb., p. 30
2011, article on group exhibition Rabbit Run, Media MBC Culture Review, Jan. 10
2011, article on group exhibition Rabbit Run, monthly art magazine Public Art, Jan.
2011, article on group exhibition Rabbit Run, monthly women’s magazine Elle, Jan.
2011, article on group exhibition Contemporary Art and the Rabbit, monthly ladies’ magazine Lady Kyunghyang, Jan., p. 114
2011, article on group exhibition Rabbit Run, monthly art magazine Misulsegye, Jan., p. 163
2011, cover painting of Korea Appraisal Board Newsletter, Jan. 2 
2011, article on group exhibition Room of Artists, Weekly Kyunghyang, Aug. 24, Issue no. 889, p. 78
2010, article on group exhibition Room of Artists, monthly art magazine Public Art, Aug., Issue no. 047, p. 181
2010, HERO Public Art ad, Public Art, Aug. Issue no. 047, KIAF 2010 ad, monthly art magazine Public Art, Aug. Issue no. 047, p. 20 
2010, Korea-China Art Exchange Exhibition, monthly art magazine Public Art , May., Issue no. 044, p. 174
2010, Korea-China Art Exchange Exhibition, monthly art magazine Public Art , Apr., Issue no. 043, p. 172
2010, listed in Asian contemporary artist list, bi-monthly art magazine Art in Asia, Mar.-Apr.
2009, solo exhibition ad, Seoul Art Guide, Oct., Vol. 94, p. 139
2009, solo exhibition review, monthly art magazine Misulsegye, Nov., Vol. 300, p. 143
2009, solo exhibition review, monthly art magazine Public Art, Nov., Issue no.038, pp. 154-155
2009, article on solo exhibition, Wolgan Misool, Oct., Issue no. 297, pp.168-171
2009, Critic on artist’s artwork, designer’s magazine Jungle Nov. Vol. 32, p. 44
2009, solo exhibition ad, monthly art magazine Public Art, Jun., Issue no.036, p. 4
2009, article on Germany solo exhibition, monthly art magazine Misulsegye, Jun., Vol. 295, p. 176-177
2009, article on Germany solo exhibition, monthly art magazine Public Art, Jun., Issue no. 033, p. 190
2009, article on Germany solo exhibition, monthly art magazine Public Art, Apr., Issue no. 031, p. 181
2008, artist’s work at KIAF introduced, monthly art magazine Public Art, Sept., Issue no. 024, p. 70
2008, article on artist, monthly art magazine Public Art, Feb., Issue no. 017, pp.110-115
2008, article on Christmas group exhibition at Gallery the K, Wolgan Misool, Jan., Issue no. 276, p. 172
2007, article on Christmas group exhibition at Gallery the K, Public Art, Dec., Issue no. 15
2007, article on Shanghai Art Fair, Exhibition Guide Newsmaker(weekly magazine), Nov. 20, Issue no. 750, p. 89
2007, article on Shanghai Art Fair, Public Art, Nov., Issue no. 14, p. 185
Kim Young-mi(2007) Review on 52nd Venice Biennale, Public Art , Sept., Issue no. 12, pp. 126-127
2007, article on Korea Int’l Art Fair(KIAF), Misulsegae, June, Vol. 271, p. 112
2007, article on Korea Int’l Art Fair(KIAF), Lemon Tree, June, p. 99 
2007, article on Korea Int’l Art Fair(KIAF), Public Art, June, Issue no. 8, p. 97, KIAF 2007 exhibition ad, Misulsegae, May, Vol. 270
2006, article on Korea Art Special Exhibition, Misulsegae, Oct., Vol. 263, pp. 37-40
2006, critique, Misulsegae, Sept., Vol. 262, p. 51
2006, article on Korea Int’l Art Fair, Monthly Festival, Misulsegae, Jun., Vol. 259, p. 57
2006, Sight & Issue, monthly art magazine Wolgan Misool, Apr., Vol. 255, p. 59
2006, Misulsegae, Mar. issue, Vol. 256, p. 128
2006, Review Exhibition, Misulsegae, Apr., Vol. 257, p. 159
2005, Column on 51st Venice Biennale, Misulsegye, Sept., Vol. 250, pp. 136-137
2005, article on group exhibition, Misulsegae, Sept., Vol. 250, p. 159
2005, 5 Minute Gallery, KOMSCO monthly newsletter, Aug.
2005, first issue of mook for natives of Gimje, June, pp. 48-49
2005, New Media Gallery, New Media, Mar., pp. 56-57
2005, article on drawing exhibition, monthly magazine Healthy Life, Mar., p. 91
2005, monthly art magazine Wolgan Misool, Mar. p,45
2005, Preview, monthly art magazine Wolgan Misool, Feb, p.142 Kim Young-mi(2005), Artist’s Essay, Art Korea, Feb./Mar, pp. 98-101
2005, Drawing exhibition “I Draw, Therefore I Am,” Seoul Art Guide, Feb.
2005, Close Up [agit], Misulsegae, Feb., Vol. 243, pp. 104-1052003, Art Korea, May, pp. 82-84
2002, article on KIAF 2002, Art Korea, Sept., pp. 56-57
2002, Artist of the Month, Art Korea, May, pp. 63-67
1996, Critique and artist’s note, Misool Sidae, Nov., pp. 135-136
1996, Artist of the Month, 21 Art, Sept., pp. 82-85
1996, 21 Art, May1995, Review & Preview, 21 Art, Dec., p. 130
1995, Cover of Oct. issue of monthly magazine Muse
1995, article on invitation to Bonn, Germany, Misulsegae, Aug., p. 150
1995, Misuljeongbo, Apr. 1st issue
1994, Gallery Guide, May issue
1993, article on solo exhibition, Misulsegae, Oct., p. 171
1993, women’s magazine Yeowon Nov., p. 346
1993, Artist’s Thoughts, Art World, May, pp. 106-107
1993, critique, Misool Sidae, May 1993, p. 27
1992, women’s monthly magazine Yeowon, Dec., p. 308

Foreign Periodicals

1996, Bonn University News International, May, p. 29
1995, Bonner Universitäts Nachrichten, July, p. 23
Korea Kulturwoche, p. 40